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Eligibility Criteria



The purpose of the Trucking Cares Foundation is to improve the safety of the trucking industry and the safety, security, and sustainability of America's highways and communities we serve by supporting and promoting research, education and leadership development, volunteerism, and a broad range of charitable activities towards those ends.


The trucking industry is vast, diverse, and widespread – consisting of over one million motor carriers and employing 7.4 million employees.  ATA and its federation partners also has long history of being one of the first to:

  • Volunteer and donate when communities are in crisis,
  • Champion transportation safety initiatives, and
  • Assist government agencies whether serving as the eyes and ears of law enforcement or the Transportation Security Administration.

The Trucking Cares Foundation seeks to strengthen the federation by inspiring, mobilizing, and consolidating the individual and collective generosity (time, money, assets and expertise) of this extensive trucking family in support of charitable endeavors that advance the purpose of the Foundation.

  • The Trucking Cares Foundation will accomplish its mission by working in concert with its federation partners, which shall include American Trucking Associations and its councils and conferences, State Trucking Associations, affiliated councils and  conferences.


We will focus Foundation efforts on promoting volunteerism and raising/distributing donations to support established 501(c)(3) organizations dedicated to:  

  • Trucking industry workforce development
  • Strengthening the trucking industry’s relationships with law enforcement, military and veterans
  • Humanitarian and disaster relief
  • Eradicating human trafficking

Such donations shall be controlled by the following eligibility policies and guidelines.


We believe that through trucking’s expansive reach, generosity and dedication, we can individually and collectively help drive down highway fatalities and crime, and meet the critical needs of the communities we serve.

The Trucking Cares Foundation was created to provide financial (rather than in-kind) assistance.  It may, however, on a case by case basis, assist in rallying volunteers to assist in emergency relief, or other endeavors which address a specific need within the scope of these eligibility policies and guidelines.


In order for a charity to be eligible to receive a contribution from the Trucking Cares Foundation, the applicant must:

  • Be designated a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) 
  • Be in good standing with the IRS which will be verified electronically through the IRS website
  • Have overhead of not greater than 30%
  • Demonstrate that its funding or programs have had a positive impact on the charity’s particular cause or community to which support was directed


  • The Trucking Cares Foundation also supports, through matching grants, the educational and training scholarship programs of its federation partners and those of other 501(c)(3) organizations which are trucking industry-specific. 


To submit a request for donation consideration, you must use either our online form, or send the completed hardcopy form via mail or email to the addresses below.

            80 M Street SE, Suite 800
            Washington, DC  20003


  1. Application
    1. a. Organizations and individuals (“Applicants”) may seek funding from the Trucking Cares Foundation by submitting an application using the Application Form prescribed by the Foundation.  The specific application will depend on the type of applicant.
    2. b. Application Information.  The Application will require a detailed description on how the funds will be used, budget, and the nature, if any, of their relationship to the Foundation.  Organizations seeking donations will be required to submit a copy of the organization’s two most recent IRS Form 990’s, and a copy of the IRS determination letter recognizing the organization’s tax exempt status. 
  2. Review of Applications and Donation Determinations
    1. Applications and nominations are reviewed by the Foundation’s Evaluation Committee.
      1. The Evaluation Committee will review completed applications and nominations to determine whether the donation/ scholarship: 
        1. Furthers the Foundation’s purposes;
        2. Conforms to this Policy; and
        3. Complies with the Foundation’s Conflict of Interest Policy.

c.   Once the Evaluation Committee determines that the Application furthers the Foundation’s purposes and complies with this Policy, the donation/scholarship must be approved by the Foundation’s Board of Directors.

3.   Notification and Execution

  1. Approved Funding.  Recipients of donations/scholarships (“Recipients”) approved by the Board of Directors will receive written notification regarding their approval.  All Recipients must enter into an agreement with the Foundation, which shall be executed before funds are expended.  Recipients will agree in the agreement to the following:
  1. The funds will be used exclusively for the charitable purposes outlined in the Application;
  2. The funds will not be used to support any political campaign, influence the outcome of any election, or for propaganda, lobbying, or to influence any legislation;
  3. The Recipient will submit written reports detailing the use of the funds semi-annually or as requested by the Foundation;
  4. The Recipient will permit the Foundation to evaluate the use of the funds;
  5. The Foundation may refer to the donation/scholarship in publications;
  6. If the Recipient is an organization, the Recipient is managed in accordance with any and all anti-terrorism laws and guidelines; and
  7. The Recipient and its officers and directors are not on the Office of Foreign Assets Control’s list of Specially Designated Nationals and other such watch lists. 

b.   Declined Applications.  Applicants that are not awarded will receive written notification that their Application has been declined. 

Please do not call the Foundation regarding the status of your request.  Unfortunately calls will not be returned due to the large number of requests received each year.  Should you be approved, you will be contacted.


The Foundation shall maintain a file for each donation with copies of the check and all correspondence relating to the contribution.  Each file must be kept for a minimum of at least seven (7) years from the date of the donation/ scholarship.

Thank you for interest in the Trucking Cares Foundation.